Today as I approached the pond, I saw the ‘resident’
waterfowl glide out from the edge of the pond to the middle, the place of
safety for them.
There were the regulars…two Canada geese and a
Mallard duck couple. In addition, there
was one more goose. Yep, we now have
three geese. Glenn is not going to like
the ‘newcomer’. Glenn does not like the two regulars.
look at this guy's colors....yellow, emerald green, and orange...pretty! |
The situation is bittersweet. Geese mate for life. So, one of the Canada’s is mate less. On the other hand, the mate less goose has
been accepted by the couple. A kind of like being taking under their wings…get
it? Fortunately, a goose that has lost a mate will look for a new mate. Whew!
I do not know why Glenn does not like the geese. They do not eat our grains as we do not grow
grains. I think Glenn might have
mentioned that they are messy. Geese are
big birds and they do have large droppings compared to other birds, but…
nothing like the size of the cow pies that pepper, and fertilize,
our fields. A fresh pile of cow poop is extremely messy and smelly when accidently
stepped into with full foot. I always watch where I place my feet, but being overly
cautious as I am, I still step in cow do-do from time to time. It happens.
An old friend once visited us on the farm. She changed into comfortable shoes, brand new
and so very white running/walking shoes, before we took her on the tour. She was looking at the livestock and looking at
the scenery, but she was not paying attention to where she was walking. Shortly, those white shoes were brown from
stepping in many fresh manure piles. I
think I told her to watch where she was walking…maybe not. Needless to say, not
only is fresh cow manure messy and stinky, but it also stains. Permanently. Her
white shoes would never be white again.
She mentioned that the next time she comes out she will bring
boots. Good idea.
So, the poop theory might be a good one for not
liking these birds, but it is hard to accept when we have cows grazing the
entire farm. The comparison is weak.
Another excuse, please, Glenn.
P.S. After I had Glenn read this blog, he told me his real concern. He was informed by a wildlife specialist that waterfowl pollute small ponds; thus, killing the fish living within....makes more sense. I do not like swimming with fish as they bite me, but I do not want to swim in a polluted pond either. I'm with Glenn...the geese have to move on.