A few days ago, on my walk, I came upon an amazing bold and bright yellow feather lying on the ground. I looked around and saw another feather, and another and then several more. There was no indication of foul play, no annihilated body remnants…just a scattered bunch of gorgeous feathers.
I gathered all the
feathers to take home with me. I was
unable to identify the species of bird from which they came. I would attempt to
do so on my return home where I could enlist the aid of my field guide, Stan
Tekiela’s Birds of Virginia.
As I continued on my way,
I could hear birds all around me, but I could not see most of them. My personal bird identification abilities are
quite limited, more so with only a call or song for reference. But, the sounds were enough to complement the
enjoyment of my outing especially since the past few months have been very
quiet and near void of bird song. Is this
a sign of Spring creeping back to the farm?
check out the size of that webbed foot... |
I had hoped to sneak
up for closer observation, but with three dogs as companions, sneaking is just
about impossible. Each dog, almost
simultaneously, saw the birds and took off running in their direction. The ducks, all six, were the first to take
flight, followed closely by the two geese.
I missed a chance at a
more intimate scrutiny, but watching the birds airlift to full exit flight was so
spectacular. Their rise was smooth and quick and their escape graceful and stunning.
I continued to watch
as the birds distanced themselves effortlessly.
They were soon out of sight.
Beauty comes in many
forms. And, thanks to my dogs, I
witnessed another astonishing form of beauty.
P.S. Once home, I immediately
retrieved my field guide to help identify the source of my found
feathers. I am still unsure as to the
species - ugh!
Seasonal Update - Today, February 17th, we are
covered with inches of fluffy white snow from last night’s storm. I guess Winter is still very much present on the farm and
Spring is not arriving as soon as I had hoped.
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