Today, I was
successful in meeting a goal I had set.
I had a huge pile of
mulch that I had been spreading out among my garden beds all summer. The
spreading was slow, and fairly irregular.
Initially, a dump
truck full of mulch was unloaded near, but not in, my yard and perennial garden
beds area. Over the weeks and months, the
pile seemed to become a fixture in the nearby pasture as I was moving it so
I had decided to move the mulch a wheelbarrow
full at a time. I wanted some physical exercise
and this was chore was a good option. Glenn offered many a time to scoop up the
mulch with the tractor bucket and dump a bunch of mulch at one time, but I was
also concerned about the well-being of my existing perennials. I needed to carefully spread the mulch around
and under each plant. I did not want to crunch
any of my plants by dumping bunches of mulch via the tractor bucket.
The task was slowed
even more by weather. Spreading mulch is
a hard job, best done during the cool of the morning or the cool of the evening…never
at mid-day. Since my cool mornings were allocated
to my walks, the evenings were the best choice.
But, of course, once the cool evening arrived, I was already exhausted
from a day of various other chores. My mulching,
at the time, was low priority and kept being penciled in as a chore for the
next day, then the next; thus, my rationalization for my slow going.
My goal had been set
early. The mulch pile had to be gone,
totally gone, before the freezing temperatures of fall/winter arrived. Once the weather changed and started to
freeze, the mulch would freeze too and would be impossible to dig out of the
pile, let alone spread it. And, it would also deteriorate some by the following
spring. This mulch is just too expensive
to waste. Besides, I had plenty of
time. I set this goal in June.
Today, I finally got
all the mulch spread.
I have to admit that
I did cheat a bit toward the end of the day.
I was running out of daylight, I was running out of time as in season,
and I was definitely running out of muscle.
I had already wheeled 6 loads early in the morning and my stamina was
fading fast. Six loads per day are
pushing my physical limit. I had at
least 15 more loads to go.
Since I was in an
area where there were no plants, just the backside of the corncrib flower bed,
I decided that Glenn could dump a bucket of mulch without plant damage. Actually, two dumps were made.
weeding complete late September...finally looking cleaned-up rather than the normal jungle
90% of the extraneous vegetation was removed, mainly out-of-control Virginia Creeper and
lots and lots of invasive bamboo |
dead plants trimmed, mulching complete
there are more perennial plants hiding under all that mulch...
come spring, I will have daffodils, peonies, irises and |
Voila…mulching is
complete for the season. My goal
I was able to mulch
about 30% of all my perennial beds this season. Next spring, I will purchase another dump
truck of mulch and continue where I left off.
After all, this is a never-ending gardening chore. When 100% complete, the first of the mulch
that was put down will have deteriorated and will be ready to be renewed.
But, for now, my
gardens are ready for winter.