summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Din at Dusk

Last evening, around dusk, I went out to check the chicken's water.  On my leisurely stroll to the chicken house, I was overwhelmed with a loud, constant, unpleasant din. (check out the video) I knew immediately what I was listening to, no mistake, as I have heard the same sound periodically during my lifetime - CICADAS!

cicada damage (brown tips) on ornamental pear 

Earlier this spring, I had noticed damage to my apple trees and to my ornamental pear trees.  The damaged looked familiar - brown, dying branch tips - typical cicada damage.  But, I did not hear the recognizable sound produced by the males utilizing their tymbals (ridged membranes) which generate 'music' to seduce the females.  (Yes, I had to research these details) So, I abandoned my initial conclusion.  Occasionally, I would consider an alternative reason for this type of damage without reaching a definitive answer.

cicada damage (close-up view) on my apple tree

Last night, my initial presumption was confirmed - the cicadas are back, they have emerged!

Instead of being lured to sleep by the usual, calming night sounds; I was distracted by the objectionable racket.  The clamor of cicadas have nothing on the soothing, chirping of crickets.  Sleep finally prevailed.

This morning I searched the Internet and  learned that these cicadas are the Great Southern Brood, 13-year Brood XIX.  They are documented. They are authentic.  And, they are here to stay for the next few weeks.

Now, to endure these next several weeks without getting irritated - you know, kind of like tolerating a crying child or whispering in a movie theater.  You know the annoyance will stop, but when?

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