summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beans, Beans

We finished harvesting our pole beans weeks ago - at least the ones we were eating or freezing.

Today, I went out to the bean vines we left on their supports, and where we left a bunch of old, bean pods. 

The vines were dead and dry.  The pods were dry, brittle, and full of firm, brown bean seeds.

I opened the pods and collected the seed. 

I plan to use some of the bean seed to grow my bean plants come next May.

But, I am also going to try an experiment based on what happened this spring...

A few bean plants started to grow early in the spring in the area where the pole beans had grown the previous season.  These plants not only started to grow earlier (from unharvested bean seeds that had fallen to the ground during the previous fall) than the bean seeds I actually planted this year, but they were hardy and producing tasty beans weeks sooner than the row I actually planted.

So, this month, I am going to clean up the garden, rototill the area where the beans are to grow in 2012, and plant the bean seeds now.  I want to see if I can duplicate nature.  If I can, we will be enjoying pole beans early and we will be able to extend the bean season.  If not, I will just have to replant the seed in May - no real loss. 

And, by collecting the seed, I am saving money by not having to purchase seed - thrifty me!

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