summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Winter Buds

I decided to take a walkabout my garden and observe the nuances of the season.

I always like to look at the small things - things that are present; however,  take extra effort to discern.

The tree buds are my favorite - each bud is specific to a tree; thus, making identification easy - relatively speaking.  Back eons ago, I use to teach dendrology - tree identification.  I have remembered little, just enough to make broad observations; such as, I can identify an oak, but sometimes I cannot be 100 percent if it is a black oak, red oak, chestnut oak, or other species.  Other tree buds are so unique that identification is a 'no brainer'. 

I already know all the trees in my yard, so I am taking the opportunity of the season (no leaves, just buds) to carefully examine the buds of each tree.  Each bud is different and interesting.

Imagine.... next spring's leaves and/or flowers are encased in that small bud - such a little package for so much bounty. 

Enjoy a few of the buds I observed today...

Horse-chestnut buds - terminal and laterals

Yellow Delicious Apple buds
Sweetgum buds

Red Oak buds - clustered terminals, pubescent (fuzzy)

Yellow-poplar buds with spent flower (seeds)

Have you checked your buds lately???

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