summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Monday, October 28, 2013

A New Addition, Or Should I say Additions, To The Farm

Yesterday was shopping day.  Not for groceries, or clothes but for a new Katahdin breeding ram.

Glenn and I drove over the mountain to Monterey, Virginia, home of the Highland County Maple Festival which is held in March when the sap is running and the sugar bushes are in full activity.  Since the deciduous trees in our area currently display a very muted fall color, I was expecting the same in Highland County.  I was wrong.  The leaves of the mature sugar maples had already fallen.  In fact, most of the trees exposed their winter wear - leafless branches.
Father of  'little ram'
Mother of 'little ram'
The owner of the ram we went to see was friendly and hospitable.  We viewed the 4-month old ram.  Then, before making any decision on the purchase, we were shown the parents of said ram along with a full tour of his farms which included viewing his herd of Galloway cattle, both belted and solid; his sheep flock which included a sentry dog, and various other aspects of his well-maintained, beautiful farm.  Magnificent views surrounded us, 360, from every hilltop.  The afternoon was fabulous.

a white Galloway or a teddy cow?

the 'guard' dog

the guard dog resting

the guard dog 'on break'
We loaded the little ram into the covered back of Becky’s pickup truck along with his twin sister.  Yep, we ended up buying the pair who, of course, had been together since birth. 

On our way back through Monterey, we made quick stop for dinner at a local restaurant/tavern.  It was about 5:00Pm and I had not eaten since my yogurt at breakfast.  Both Glen and I ordered the special - spaghetti, garlic bread and one trip to the salad bar.  The salad bar was fresh and had plenty of choices that I liked.  I promised Glenn half of my salad (remember…we only got one trip) but I ended up eating the entire plate myself.  It was that good.  My spaghetti sat while I enjoyed the salad.  I also like cold food, so I was not concerned.  But, by the time I dug into the plateful of spaghetti, it was still steaming hot.  And, the sauce was fabulous.  I am usually not a fan of restaurant spaghetti, but his was seasoned perfectly.  I did share the spaghetti with Glenn. And, I am glad I did.  I left the table quite full.

At the top of the mountain, we made another quick stop to enjoy the setting-sun view.  From several feet away, we heard the lambs bouncing around in the back of the truck which was our signal to continue on our trip home.

We arrived back at our farm after dark.  Glenn backed the truck into the barn so that we could unload the two lambs into the barn paddock for their first night at Mountain Glen.  The ram went first.  As Glenn returned for the little ewe, the little ram escaped into the barn. Quickly, I bear hugged the ewe while Glenn retrieved the ram before he could reach the darkness of the yard - a potential problem avoided - whew!
'little ram'
By the time breeding season arrives, this little guy will be ready to take on the young ewe lambs that will also be ready for breeding.  Winky, our seasoned ram, will handle the breeding of the older ladies.

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