summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Monday, July 6, 2015

Content Cattle, Content Cyndy

What first seemed like a pretty routine, uneventful morning walk decidedly became one of those ‘little things’ that are really quite memorable.


Today’s walk took me right past the cattle, only a barbed wire fence separated us.


I rarely walk this close to the cattle with dogs in tow, but I sternly reminded the dogs that they had to mind their behavior… no chasing. Snowball and Buddy obeyed me nicely and watched quietly from their side of the fence.


Most of the mama cows were shadowed by their cute little calves.  A large pair of eyes kept constant vigil on my activities while a smaller pair watched with apprehension.  Some of the calves had left their mother’s side and were dashing around the tall grasses in their pasture, grouping up with as many as 10 other rambunctious calves, all having fun and a bit of excitement. The calves are young, a few months to a few days old, but they already exhibit the appropriate condition and desirable stature as a result of a well-maintained herd.  Glenn is doing an excellent job in the livestock department.



I stopped my walk to enjoy the moment. I just watched the cows, calves and bull do their thing. 


This was a simple action on my part, but oh so comforting.  The cattle, too, were content.  There was no bellowing, no nervous running, no trying to protect their babies.  There was no danger, no angst.


We all (human, bovine, canine) just enjoyed each other’s’ company amidst our peaceful surroundings.


My morning walk was more than just ordinary, it was a moment to  cherish!

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