summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Putting Down the Clover Seed

I hear a continuous rumble of the 4-wheeler…


Ah…Becky is over seeding the pastures with clover. 

broadcast seeder attached to the rear of the 4-wheeler

According to the professionals, this is the most suitable time of year to broadcast clover seed in our pastures - the ground is still thawing and freezing which aids the tiny seed in moving down into the ground; precipitation/moisture is adequate, either snow or rain; and, by the time the temperatures warm and the conditions are ideal for plant growth, the seed has good seed-to-soil contact and is ready to germinate.


The best part…there is no rushing to get yet another time-sensitive chore accomplished when spring lets loose…it is done.


After five hours, Becky came inside frozen to the bone and her throttle thumb totally numb. 


Becky completed 20 acres, only 55 acres to go. 


She will return tomorrow, and the next day and the next until this job is complete.


Then, she gets to move to her farm and start the process over again.

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