summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Every Day A Holiday

Typically, holidays go unnoticed or, at the very least, are fairly low key at Mountain Glen.  Work is rarely put ‘on hold’ for any type of diversion.  There are always the routine, daily chores and usually a priority task or two that cannot wait one more day.

Such was the holiday yesterday. The day itself was gorgeous - cool, sunny and comfortable.

I started out with my morning walk.  Yes, I consider this work.  Not the walk itself, but the exercises that follow on my return.  Just steps outside the door, a couple of birds flew past me with one briefly landing in a nearby Bradford pear tree.  The early morning sun blazoned the bird making identification difficult.  Eventually, I was thrilled to realize that the birds were Cedar Waxwings- a rare sighting in my garden.  The waxwings are so sleek and so beautifully colored.  This was a definite treat…a holiday bonus.

I spent hours on paperwork while Glenn and visiting son Matt went about the outdoor chores.  Garden debris piles were moved out the garden.  Fences were repaired. The long, overdue project of finishing, or nearly so, the pond house was priority for the majority of the day.  I, too, was able to enjoy a few moments of the dazzling day hanging two loads of laundry out to dry.

By early evening, I was shown the progress on the pond house. The empty shell was now furnished with a platform for an air mattress, a counter, cabinets and hooks for drying and storage.  Now, not only quick afternoon visits will be less hassle (not having to remember to bring all our required stuff like inner tubes, towels fishing gear) but we will be able to spend nights, too. 

Speaking of fishing, Glenn and I decided to take a few minutes to try our luck. Glenn cast the first line and within seconds he had caught a catfish.  We were not prepared to make a dinner of him, so back he went.  My first cast hooked a bass and within seconds my line was broken, hook and bobber gone.  I changed poles and cast a second time.  And, again, a bass made the grab and broke my line.  I lost the hook. But, after a few minutes, the bobber, which I was able to retrieve, surfaced.  I was done fishing.  I will try again when I have heavier test.

Nearing 8:00 PM, Glenn and I hurried back to the house so that we could change and drive to Lexington to view the fireworks.  We decided to officially celebrate the liberty and freedom the United States currently enjoys.  How many more of our freedoms and rights will be lost by this same time next year? 

This year, Glenn chose a new, to us, viewing area.  It was perfect.  Each firework exploding into color was fabulous and in full, unobstructed sight.


All in all, we had a great day doing what we chose to do - the true spirit of living in the United States. Let us all keep it that way.

INDEPENDENCE DAY…What does this day mean to you?

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