summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Frog Frenzy 2017

The day was a rainy one.  At noon, there was a window of a few hours when the rain would subside.  I took that opportunity to take my daily walk.

Moments out of the house I heard the familiar sound.  The ‘frog frenzy’ had begun down at our farm pond.  I was excited.  After all, this is the only time I actually get to take photos, and movies, of frogs. I was serenaded the entire way down to the pond.  The closer I got to the pond, the louder the mating song became.  I walked faster.

As I stepped along the shore, I could hear the frogs jumping into the water as I neared each one.  I did not actually see the frogs, but I did see the disturbed water where they jumped.  One after another.  I would have to be more quiet and unassuming if I was to get my pictures.

Within minutes, I noticed that the surface of the water was covered with expanding concentric circles.  Was it raining?  I was not feeling the drops, but suddenly, I was in the middle of a downpour.  I was glad that I was able to duck into the pond house to stay dry.  Buddy slinked under the pond house.  Snowball just stayed put standing in the rain.  He probably needed a bit of cooling off.  The tumultuous rain hitting the tin roof of the pond house was near deafening.  The frog sound was gone, or, at least, masked.

When the rain stopped, the frogs could be heard again.  Now, I hoped, I would be able to get a few good photos.  I did. 


Five days ago, I heard one frog at the pond.  Four days ago, I heard two frogs.  Yesterday, I heard several more frogs, but not yet the ‘frenzy’, a term which I coined the raucous a few years ago.

Today…the true start of the 2017 ‘frog frenzy’.  I am thrilled to be able, once again, to partake of this annual event. 

Note:  the 2016 frog frenzy occurred on April 2, the 2015 frog frenzy on April 13

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