summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Monday, January 21, 2013

Back To Baking

I got the itch to bake some bread today. 

Yesterday, I saw a recipe pop up while I was looking for an au gratin potatoes recipe on the internet The recipe was for Oat Bread. Hmmm, that sounded tasty.

I printed the recipe.  As I read over the ingredients and directions, my mind made my personal adjustments.  For the most part, I know enough about bread making to know what I like and what works.

Late in the afternoon, I finally had the time to make bread.  I mixed the ‘new’ ingredients, kneaded, proofed the dough, and baked the loaves.  I used my secrets during every step of the process.

The bread came out of the oven ‘picture perfect’.   Of course, the most important measure is taste; so, no prematurely patting myself on the back.


Glenn arrived home just as the bread was cool enough to slice, butter, and eat.


And, eat we did. 


I am not putting myself on that pedestal of baking excellence, but,…we ate one entire loaf, the largest of the two, in about 30 minutes.


Now, that is the proof (pun, indeed) to a good loaf of bread!


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