summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Stink Bugs Are Back, Again!


The stinkbugs are back. (see 9-26-11 blog - We Are being Invaded) Last year, they were disgusting; but this year, they are geometrically more revolting.


The stink bugs were around all summer, but they were hiding among the foliage of plants and not very obtrusive.  Their numbers seemed to be tolerable.


Now, that the weather has cooled with the changing of the season, these hideous insects are coming inside - yuck, yuck, triple yuck - in record numbers.


Last year, we would see about one per night.  Extermination was easy…grab the beast in a piece of TP and quickly flush away before any odor was released - bye, bye.


Not so easy this year; eliminate 5, and within minutes there are 10 more in their place. They not only buzz(similar to a large bee) around the house, but they also have the nerve to land on my person.  Again, triple yuck!


The preference for permanent elimination is different, this year, too…a jar of gasoline; it works for Japanese beetles in the garden, and it works for stink bugs in the house.  We just have to be speedy enough before the release of the putrid stench.  We have several jars judiciously placed throughout the house; trying to be prepared at all times.


I just hope to make it through to the cold of winter, and hopeful hibernation of the majority of the vermin, without upchucking in abhorrence.


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