summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Sneaky Ewe

We continue to bottle-feed two lambs; and, the ewe who lost her large ram lamb.  The three hang out together in an enclosed barn stall which opens to a small outside pen which, in turn, opens to a large lush, tree-lined grass pasture where they happily graze. These sheep are a bit pampered.

The lamb feedings have been reduced to two per day - thank goodness.   The ewe discovered she could feed herself from the open grain bag, so she does.  That saves us a little time filling her once-used bucket. 

walking toward the sheep's temporary home

I believe that ewe thinks she is getting away with larceny.  As we open the door to the barn pen, the lambs rush out looking for their rubber-nippled bottles.  Once they start sucking, they do not stop until their respective bottle is empty or near empty.  PorkChop daintily sneezes at the end of every feeding; the result of drinking much too fast.

ewe in doorway
ewe creeping out of pen

While the lambs drink, the ewe steps into the open doorway of the pen; then, she gingerly steps out into the tack/feed room keeping her eyes fixed on us every second.  She eyes the feed bag and stops.  She looks. She grabs a quick mouthful before her head bobs up for another look.  She quickly chews before sneaking (?) another mouthful.  This ewe thinks she is really sly. NOT!

ewe's head in feed bag
ewe's head out of feed bag feed bag
...out of feed bag

As we feed the lambs, we are only mere inches from the ewe.  We know what she is doing, and we let her.

returning to stall on cue

In actuality, we are the ones being sly.

But, if she wants to think she is pulling the wool (no pun intended, we have hair sheep) over our eyes; let her. 

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