summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Surprise Encounter

One of my chores for the day was to get the entire lawn mowed before the next rain. 


Between finishing the lower lawn and starting on the upper lawn, I took a break.  I was hot, a bit dehydrated and feeling exhausted.  On my short walk to the house, I almost stepped on a little visitor.  How I missed this little guy while going round and round the yard still mystifies me.


So, my resident mockingbirds, Sam and Omie, had a baby.  Sam and Omie have been around for years, so I assume they have had other offspring.  I just never saw them.  Today, I met this little one.  He must have fallen out of the nest because he was unable to fly even though he could run and flap his wings wildly.  Maybe…this guy has more confidence than ability.
Get a good look at that fuzzy cute is that?

As I took a closer look, I was being watched by one of the parents.  Said parent let me know its presence by the constant chirping to its misguided youngster.  The only problem is that I was not the problem.  But, perhaps my three cats or two dogs might be...stay safe little birdie.


Soon, the sky started to cloud. Within minutes, the white clouds turned deep grey.  I was running out of time.  I floored the mower and made as quick work of the upper lawn as I could. 


Unfortunately, thunder and rain arrived before I finished.  I stopped. 


Another five minutes was all that I would have needed to completely finish, but I needed to stay safe, too!


The grass will be there when I get back to the mowing, longer and thicker, and still there.

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