summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weed Eating

We have a four board wooden fence that separates the formal yard from the informal pasture.

I mow the yard; sometimes with a riding lawn mower, sometimes with a gas-powered push mower, or sometimes with a combination of the two.

I cannot get close enough to the fence with either mower, so a narrow strip of tall grass remains on the yard side.  This grass continues to grow until Glenn comes along with his weed eater, maybe two times per growing season, to groom said fence line.  Unfortunately, along with the tall grass, he also manages to slice a bit out of each wooden fencepost with his twirling plastic string; thus, exposing the raw, unpainted wood - an inherent result from the weed eating operation.  Painstakingly, I painted those posts, and I do not like to see them ill-treated. But, I also like the tall grass trimmed. 

Today, I watched our sheep, now separated from the cows and close to the house since lambing is imminent, devouring this grass line left from last season.  Not only did the sheep even the blades of grass under the fence, but they also reached a few inches into the yard and mowed down the area that is always missed - perfectly manicured without any post abuse.

Weed eater… I much prefer the four-legged variety!

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