summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Color in a Most Unusual Place

It is no secret that I love COLORAnd, I never know where I might be surprised to find it....

A few days back, I accompanied Glenn on a trip to deliver logs to a local sawmill.  Glenn had already loaded the logs on his truck the day before, so all we had to do was jump in the truck (not easy for me - I always seem to sprain my arm from pulling myself up into the cab) and drive.  But first, it was my job to open the gate for the truck to pass out of the pasture, then close it again - have to keep those cattle from wandering off.

As I held the gate open, the truck passed by me, and...lo and behold...wonderful color.

Some of the log ends were highlighted with a fabulous purple color, actually called 'blue stain'. The stain runs the entire length of the log.  Sometimes these logs are discounted at the mill as a defect, and sometimes they are given a premium - it all depends on the buyer and if he has a market for the 'blue-stained' lumber.

According to Glenn, blue stain is caused by a fungus in unhealthy trees. 

I would not mind having some of that sick wood in my house - an ideal accent.

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