summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Good Friend Ann

Ann has been mentioned in several of my previous blogs. Today, I want to introduce you to Ann.
Ann is a wonderful, knowledgeable, caring, intelligent, considerate, giving person. Ann also keeps an immaculate house. Ann is not a pack rat. Why are we friends? Well, don't you know...opposites attract.

I always have a fabulous time with Ann. Unfortunately, we rarely spend much time together.

Even though Ann and I live in the same county, maybe only a 30 minute drive between our homes; we are both very busy women. Our separate lives keep us going 24-7. So, when we are able to squeeze in a day to spend together, we are thrilled. These days are few - maybe four per year, tops. (We keep trying for more.) The upside is that if I ever need Ann in an emergency/for a favor, she would be there - no question.

Our key shared interests are: walking; gardening; politics; outdoor activities (Ann hikes -currently in snake boots and bikes; I farm); photography; going to the movies; and eating (Ann is thin and fit - remember....opposites!).

Ann is computer savvy, I am not. I enjoy crafts/sewing/quilting. Ann is needlework-challenged. (I have been trying to teach her basic knitting, just plain knitting, for three winters now.) Ann likes to spend time with her grand kids. I like to read and write. Ann thrives on gaining more knowledge, she loves to ask questions. I am content with my current level of facts and figures. Ann attempts new skills, gets 'down and dirty'. If I need to use a hammer, I seek out Glenn.

Ann is one great role model.

But, when we finally get together; we both talk, and talk, and talk. We tend to accumulate a massive amount of life (stories, feelings, events) for sharing during our occasional rendezvous'.

And, yesterday was one of those days. I invited Ann over to the farm because she has not seen our sheep yet - we added the sheep to the farm in August. So, I had to do what I call a 'quick clean' of the house. (I spend one entire day cleaning.) The house was not perfect, but it was better than the day before. I did not want to be too embarrassed, so I had to get rid of all those annoying dust webs. (At the moment, I believe even those with dust allergies would be safe to enter my home.) Glenn likes it when I invite Ann over. He comments, 'at least the house gets cleaned occasionally'. I hate cleaning!

Pretty much as soon as Ann arrived, we both decided that we were starving. So, off we went to the local restaurant. After an enjoyable, talk-filled lunch; but before leaving Frank's, a trip to the restroom was necessary - first me, then Ann. Ann was taking longer than usual, but....Later, she told me that when she went to flush the toilet the handle went flying off and she could not replace it after many attempts. As I was waiting outside by the car, she was talking to management.  Lucky for me, I used the facilities first.

Then, we drove the short distance to '55' as I wanted to show Ann our new farm. I parked the car and we made a leisurely, loop hike through the pastures, to the old barn for a short tour, up the road, and down the old railroad grade back to my car. As usual, we were talking nonstop the entire time. The weather was sunny, warm, and so accommodating for our outing.

On the drive back to the main farm, we were just about to pass the local vineyard/winery when we decided to stop in for a tour; and tasting, of course. I know the owners of the winery - our kids went to elementary/high school together- but, I had never visited the establishment for a tour. A nice couple from Texas joined us. The tasting, a first for me, was interesting. Ann checked off many of the samples as favorites. Ann left with four bottles of Rockbridge Winery's finest, I a modest one bottle. (Note: I live within minutes of the winery, so I can return most any time.)

Continuing home, we made another quick pull off at the alpaca farm in Raphine (see 9-24-11 blog). Those alpacas are so cute.
Finally, we made it back to the farm where Ann and I sat on the deck munching on my freshly-baked chocolate chip scones, watching the flerd, playing with Buddy; and, what else, continued talking. Soon we found our way into my office where Ann and her exceptional computer skills addressed my many tech problems quickly and with ease; and she provided plenty of helpful, so helpful, instruction. I am definitely the challenged one when it comes to computer competency.

Another perfect day...

I am so grateful that Ann is my friend!

1 comment:

  1. For the record:
    *I believe Cyndy set me up in that restaurant restroom!
    *I continue to attempt to knit so that Cyndy will always have something to laugh about!
    *I may have left the vineyard with 4 bottles compared to Cyndy's '1'... but she ALMOST let me leave them at her house.
    *Cyndy's scones are the best I've ever had!
    *I had such a wonderful day and look forward to another fun day in the near future!
