summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Flower

Our recent snow has almost completely melted.

The music from a Carolina Wren caught my attention early this morning.  Then, a bright sun rose above the mountains.

I watched a myriad of birds (Blue Jays, Cardinals, Sparrows, Red-bellied Sapsucker, Mourning Doves, Chickadees) empty the feeder - just the excuse I needed to get outside and enjoy, what turned out to be, a spring-like morning.

Snow-challenged, but looking good....
After a few quick chores, I walked about the garden assessing the status.  I came upon the first flower (garden-variety, that is) in bloom - a bright yellow daffodil nodding its bell-shaped bloom - an anomaly for the season; but, certainly a welcomed surprise. Next, moving toward the flowering quince where I noticed a pinkish tinge.  A very few blossoms, on the peaked side due to the recent snow/cold, have opened.   In fact, a good portion of the buds have turned brown as a result of the undesirable weather, short in duration, but effective nonetheless.  I am hoping that the remaining flower buds will eventually open to the usual varying hues of passion pink - a definite show-off among the hints of spring green.

Then, I remembered reading about snowdrops in the Susan Branch blog today.  I have a small clump of snowdrops.  Sure enough, they are in bloom - normal for the season.  They are such a delicate, pretty and detailed little flower.  As I crouched down to take a photo, placing my eyeglasses on a small tree stump next to me, I got in as close as my camera would focus.  Getting back into a squatting position, I noticed that I was joined by Onnie - sitting on my glasses to boot.  Onnie is a lightweight, thank goodness - all fluff and no fat.


Notice my glasses under Onnie's derriere
I could not pass by Ember without giving her a few rubs to her head. (For those of you who do not know me well - petting Ember from the opposite of a fence is about as close to horses as I get.) SweetLips watched but was not waiting in line for attention - even though she is getting more comfortable with us, she still maintains a safe, get-away distance.

Good Morning - nope….GREAT morning, yep!

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