summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Only Doing Her Job

Jenny keeping guard over her little sheep.
Jenny, our donkey, is in residence at our farm for one reason, and one reason only - to protect the sheep from predators - coyotes; dogs, wild or otherwise, bears, and whatever else shows aggression toward our small and defenseless sheep.  OK, OK...she is cute, too; but putting that fact aside....

So, when Buddy and Jake accompany us on our daily flerd check - either to move the flerd or just see how the flerd is doing, both dogs are putting themselves into harms way.

Buddy knows this and is always on the alert.  Jake does not and requires our watchful eye. Jake is elderly, and; clueless about his own well-being.

Yesterday, Buddy followed us as we drove our 4-wheelers down to the flerd.  Jake opted to stay up at the house - a rare decision on his part.

Within seconds of meeting up with the flerd, Buddy saw Jenny; and Jenny, likewise, saw Buddy.  They moved around the field, slowly and discriminating, cognizant of the other's every move.

Glenn continued on to set the new electric fence line, and I remained back watching the two antagonists.  Suddenly, Buddy made the first move and ran full out toward Jenny.  Jenny momentarily retreated, gathered her thoughts, then charged Buddy.  Buddy is fast.  He knows he can out run Jenny.  I yelled to Buddy to stop. He did. Buddy does listen to my commands once in a great while - this time he obeyed, at least, for the moment. The two adversaries took a time out.  Shortly, Jenny took the next charge.  Buddy was able to outmaneuver Jenny, but she did not stop.  Jenny kicked up her heals and continued the pursuit. Finally, the two realized that it was time to move onto grazing and roaming, respectively.

In the end, all was at peace.

Frankly, Glenn and I are glad to know that Jenny will defend her charges, even against the family pet.

After all, Jenny is only doing her job.

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