summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wood Smoke, Good Smoke

It's back...the grey smoke rising from the chimney of the house.  The wood furnace is officially in business for the winter season. 

I like to watch the smoke swirl around the roof top, dispersing into the surrounding air.  The smoke travels in a straight column into the sky; or ejects in puffs as if an old codger was drawing on a pipe; or at times, makes fluid, apparition-like shapes.  Fortunately,  I get more a feeling of free spirit rather than spooky spirit.

And, the aroma - generally one of an earthiness, a real fragment of the cycle of life.  Another whiff reveals that each wood species produces a different odor - I am keen on each and every variance.

Oak; hickory; and oh, that red cedar - just like stepping into a paneled closet. 

But, more valuable than the smell is the heat the firewood is producing.  I like to keep warm.  And, actually utilizing a renewable resource growing on our farm; so much the better.

Wood smoke is definitely good smoke.

Abruptly, the smoke is gone.

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