summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Friday, September 2, 2011

Flying - One Way or Another

This morning I was sitting in the living room perusing old photographs from my Grandmother's stash; looking for one or two gems to hang up, while my mind revisited earlier days. The cliche referring to 'time flying' is so true!  Glenn said, "Going back in time again?"  I guess I go back in time a lot as demonstrated by my pack rat tendency to save most everything (many memories), my collecting of old (antique?) paraphernalia, and living a simple life - more like the past than the present.

Suddenly, a flock of huge birds flew low past the window catching my attention and landed in the paddock right next to the house.  I grabbed my glasses and verified - turkeys.  We have several turkey flocks that move around the farm, but this is the closest they come to the house.  After their initial landing, one by one, they awkwardly flew up into the nearby tree branches and disappeared among the lush foliage. Watching the turkeys was fun while it lasted.  I know if I stay alert; I will encounter them, many times, again.

Within minutes,  I heard another odd sound - almost like a very low flying plane. It was a motorized paraglider traveling directly over our house.  Those little machines are so odd, I call them 'flying lawn chairs.'  The sensation of flying through the air combined with, literally, a bird's eye view of the earth below is probably very fascinating.  I will never experience it - I have no desire.  Taking flight in a full-sized plane or even a small, four-seater is the extent of my adventurous spirit.  For the most part; my chronic, motion sickness syndrome keeps me grounded.

Speaking of flying, son Matthew (who is currently in the U.S. Army) has taken Airborne Training - jumping out of a plane, parachute attached, landing safely (may I repeat, safely). Matt has about 9 jumps logged.  In July, a transport full of soldiers - Matthew included - actually flew to Australia just to make one training jump.  To keep current, Matt has to make at least one jump every month. Unless....he (meaning Matt) lands wrong on his last jump and breaks a couple of (leg/ankle) bones - surgery required.  Jumping is on hold - Mom hopes indefinitely, as in forever.

I asked Matt to e-mail me a photo for this spot, so far, no photo has been sent - I will add it if it arrives!

So, Matthew is grounded, too, as he takes a few months to  heal.

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