summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Frogs and Toads

Frog Pond - the settling pool above the main pond

 the majority of the croaking comes from this place - I hear 'em, but I never see 'em

We have both frogs and toads on Mountain Glen Farm. The difference for me....

I have never seen one frog.  I have heard many a croaking, in the twilight, from the vicinity of the pond; I have heard the plunking of frogs as they jumped, hidden in tall grasses, into the safety of the water as I or Buddy walk by them; but I have never actually seen one.  Glenn has.

The day after constructing a sheep watering tank out of an old tire, Glenn returned to verify its water-holding capability.  He saw a frog sitting on the tire. Minutes later, on his next pass, Glenn saw this same frog swimming in the water as if this tire was the frog's private swimming pool.  When he related the story to me, I immediately went down to see the frog.  Said frog was gone.

But, I have seen plenty of toads.  The toads usually hide out during the day and hop around in the dark.  These toads come in all sizes -  from the size of a quarter to the size of a baseball - and, they are ugly - all of them.  Not the kind of creature you would want to hold in your hands - yuck!

Ugly?  You make the call.....

I usually see them hopping along our brick walkway or sitting in the gravel drive.  The toads in the drive take quite a risk   I have seen many a flattened, dead toad.  I have even discovered a toad residing in one of my flower pots.  He would dig out from the soil; leave; and some time later, return to his hole in the pot.

A few days ago, as I was looking for a bird's nest in my lilac bush (I had found a flaying, baby wren there last month), I heard a sound near my feet.   I looked down and saw a toad digging himself out of the ground inside the basement window well.  When our eyes met, he froze.  Over the course of the day, I returned to investigate his activities.  Later in the evening he was gone...I supposed he had jumped out of that enclosure to take his evening constitutional, or perhaps, to retrieve dinner. 

This afternoon, I decided to check on my toad again.  To my surprise, I saw two.  On closer examine, there were four.  I ran for my camera.  In the midst of taking my photo, I realized there were six.  Six toads.  An entire community, I guess.  I will almost be afraid to look tomorrow....8?  10?

How many do you count?

I know we have plenty of  toads; I have proof.

But, I will not give up...I am determined to see our frogs some day.

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