summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

summer greens at Mountain Glen Farm

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Burn Piles

Over the course of a year or two, several piles that we refer to as ' burn piles' accumulate across the farm. 

These piles include garden waste (weeds, dead plant material),  cedar trees cut back to obtain or reclaim more pasture acreage, household paperwork that needs to be destroyed (old tax records, old work files), rotten lumber, fallen tree branches and the like.

Glenn tries to keep the number of piles to a minimum by conducting an annual burn.  Lately, not so much... these piles have been building for, at least, three years. Eight, huge piles to be exact. 

Yesterday, as Glenn returned from his logging, he announced that he was going back out to burn THE PILES!  Yep, just spur of the moment decision like much of everything Glenn does.  I get use to it!

So, I walked out to document the flames -  always impressive since these piles are dry, dry, dry!

I think you have to be a bit of a pyromaniac to really appreciate the dancing of the flames, the intense heat, the whirling smoke. 


dancing flames

even the cows seem interested....

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